Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 365 1/4 of 365: So, What Now?

Of course I couldn't leave this blog alone without a follow up. If you are still interested in hearing me ramble, you can go to my new blog That (Not This) Abby Rose. I'm currently doing the Two Week Writing Prompt Bootcamp, aka the Nicorette Patch for the 365 project. It's also a nice little hub for all the other things I got going on.

Of course, if you're a fan of my sporadic DIY projects, you can still mosey on over to Trial and Error Creativity. Or maybe you just want to check in on my Thought Catalog Writer's Page for the drivel that the editors find post-worthy.

And don't forget to add me on Twitter already. Sometimes I make 140-character length jokes. And sometimes they're funny.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who checked in on this blog from time to time. I somehow amassed roughly 10,000 unique hits during this year, and that's without any type of networking or promoting. If you end up starting your own 365 Blog Project, please let me know (so I can harass you about copying me, obviously... and you know, moral support, blah blah blah...)

Best of luck to all the writers out there. And remember: it's not necessarily important what you write, but that you write.

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